The people who have an increased risk of tuberculosis be screened for latent TB infection. This recommendation includes people who:
Use IV drugs
Are in contact with infected people
Are from a country where TB is common, such as several countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia
Live or work in areas where TB is common, such as prisons or nursing homes
Work in health care and treat people with a high risk of TB
Are children who are exposed to adults at risk of TB
Drug-resistant TB
Tuberculosis also remains a major killer because of the increase in drug-resistant strains. Over time, some TB germs have developed the ability to survive despite medications. This is partly because people don't take their drugs as directed or don't complete the course of treatment.
Several conditions and medications can weaken your immune system, including:
Severe kidney disease
Certain cancers
Cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy
Drugs to prevent rejection of transplanted organs
Some drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease and psoriasis
Malnutrition or low body weight
Very young or advanced age