Skin Biopsy

A skin biopsy is a procedure to remove cells or skin samples from your body for laboratory examination. A doctor uses a skin biopsy to diagnose skin conditions and remove abnormal tissue.

The three main types of skin biopsies are:

  • Shave biopsy. A doctor uses a tool similar to a razor to remove a small section of the top layers of skin (epidermis and a portion of the dermis).
  • Punch biopsy. A doctor uses a circular tool to remove a small core of skin, including deeper layers (epidermis, dermis and superficial fat).
  • Excisional biopsy. A doctor uses a small knife (scalpel) to remove an entire lump or an area of abnormal skin, including a portion of normal skin down to or through the fatty layer of skin.

A skin biopsy is used to diagnose or help treat skin conditions and diseases, including:

  • Actinic keratosis
  • Bullous pemphigoid and other blistering skin disorders
  • Inflammatory skin conditions
  • Skin cancers, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma
  • Skin tags
  • Suspicious moles or other growths
  • Warts
  • Area of the skin to be biopsied is cleaned and marked.
  • Local anesthetic medication is injected to numb the biopsy site.
  • Shave biopsy: a double-edged razor or a scalpel is used to cut the tissue
  • Punch Biopsy: A hollow, circular scalpel is used to cut into a lesion on the skin.
  • The instrument is turned clockwise and counter clockwise to cut down about 4 millimetres (mm) to the layer of fatty tissue below the dermis.
  • Keep the bandage over the biopsy site until the next day.
  • Apply and take medications as instructed by physician
  • All biopsies cause a small scar. Scars fade gradually. The scar's permanent color will be evident one or two years after the biopsy.
  • Cover the site with an adhesive bandage for the first two or three days after the procedure.
  • Healing of the wound can take several weeks, but is usually complete within two months.
  • Skin biopsy sample is sent to a laboratory for testing.
  • Results may take several days or longer, depending on the type of biopsy and the lab's procedures.

What are the benefits & risks of Skin Biopsy?

The outcomes of Skin Biopsy depend on several factors and conditions suffered by the patient in the past.

The benefits of Skin Biopsy include

  • Day care procedure with short procedure time (usually 20-30 minutes) and no downtime.
  • Minimal pain during and after procedure
  • Usually sutures and dressings are not re quired
  • Minimal scarring

A skin biopsy is a generally safe procedure, minor complications like

  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Scarring
  • Infection

Most of them can be prevented by proper post treatment care as advised by the physician.

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