How is it treated?
Treatment will depend on Symptoms, age, and general health. It will also depend on how severe the condition is.
The main goal of Treatment is to reduce Symptoms. This may be done by:
Sitting in plain, warm water in a bathtub several times a day (sitz bath)
Using ice packs to reduce swelling
Using hemorrhoid creams or medicines inserted into rectum (suppositories)
Adding more fiber and fluids to diet to help soften stools. Having softer stools means no need to strain during bowel movements. This reduces the pressure on hemorrhoids.
Adding more fiber to diet means eating more:
Whole grains
Stool softeners or fiber supplements.
In some cases, surgery is needed. There are several types of surgeries used to remove or reduce internal and external hemorrhoids. These include:
Rubber band ligation. A rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid inside rectum to cut off circulation to the hemorrhoid. The hemorrhoid shrinks and goes away in a few days.
Sclerotherapy. A chemical solution is shot (injected) around the blood vessel to shrink the hemorrhoid.
Electrical coagulation, also called infrared photo coagulation. A special device uses a beam of infrared light to burn hemorrhoid tissue.
Hemorrhoidectomy and hemorrhoidopexy. These procedures permanently remove hemorrhoids.